Meet Leaders Shaping Future Lives With Wisdom


Anthony Hutchens, Founder, CEO/President/Mentor

When I took time to slow down and look back on my life, I started to wonder: would I have gone through so many negative experiences in my life growing up, if my father had played an active part in my life? Being present means more than living in the same house; it means showing up every day, day in and day out, to guide, protect, and show real love.

Not having my father, apart from my daily learning of how to be a male of great character, values, and morals, weakened me as a growing successful man. Instead, I had to go through many unpleasant situations in my life, learning the hard way, creating much trouble for myself, and causing my life to go backwards instead of forward. I gave my mother a hard time constantly, making her feel like a failure. Which led to me taking the long road to get to where I desired to be…successful, doing great things with my life! But because I had a praying mother and was blessed with a great uncle (my mother’s brother) who truly cared about "me." I was taught the true values and knowledge that every young man needs. It was much later that I received these tools of life from my uncle, but without him being there in that season, I would not have become the successful and good man I am today.

I created BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. because I could not stand knowing that I contained vital tools that could help another young male not go down the road I took myself. That I could make a difference in a young man being a success in life and doing great things, versus making a complete mess of his life. When looking back on my life, I knew I had no choice but to share and teach the life tools that I have been blessed with and will own as part of my life forever! Therefore, BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. was created by me with my best guys, who feel the same way: “Without giving of yourself to change a life for the better, no lives get changed.”

I knew that, from that day forward, BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. was built inside me to help young youth become successful men, providing them with great adult male figures with great leadership skills and character that can guide them, teach them, and be there for them through ups and downs, teaching them the right way to make decisions about their future and the man they desire to become for the good of all mankind. Grabbing one young male from going down the wrong path leads each young male to grab another, causing a chain reaction of successful young men all over the world!

Rayshun Calhoun, Vice President/Mentor

Growing up in the inner city of Atlanta and not having a lot of role models, led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Recreation Sports and a minor in Youth Sports. I knew this field of study was the path I wanted to take early in life, because it would equip me with the knowledge and experience that would be beneficial for youth. BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. means a lot to me because it allows me to put my knowledge and training to great use, sharing and teaching young men great tools for life that will grow them into outstanding sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, teachers, and mentors, and leading and guiding other youth to follow them into their best life ever. 


Justin Ramsey, COO/Mentor

I believe every child can benefit positively from some guidance and mentoring in their lives. I truly believe it can change their lives for the better, and it is one of the best gifts you can give a kid. Growing up as one of the eight kids in my family, with very little father figure present, life was hard. Especially being a young male. I feel that in our society, many young males experience many challenges, and it affects how they look at life. Kids develop a negative perception of the world, others around them, and themselves. I want to be a positive role model and help male youth and young adults develop important life skills and build a positive foundation to live a better life with an unlimited future in front of them. This is why being a member of the BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. mentoring team is so important to me. 

Veron Gentry, CFO/Mentor

I believe one of the greatest measures of success in life is the number of people you have helped. I can achieve this by being a part of BOYZ OF C.O.R.E. and sharing my life lessons learned. As a mentor to other males, I can help a wide range of young men reach their full potential and become positive role models for other men coming up beside and behind them. As a team member of BOYZ OF C.O.R.E., I get to be a part of a community of men who will keep passing the torch to each generation to follow. Eventually, we will change the outcome of young men throughout this world! Creating men of great character, morals, and values, leading them to become great men of character for this country and other countries in whatever field they choose for their unlimited future! The legacy I will leave behind from helping these young men will be one that not only makes me proud but will make everyone who is a part of my life! 
